Monday, December 11, 2006

CMC Celebrates CENTREDISCS' 25th Anniversary!

In 1981, The Canadian Music Centre's award-winning Centrediscs label released its first recording and for the past 25 years it has remained unique among this country's recording labels through featuring only the works of Canadian composers.

During its history, Centrediscs has released 117 recordings featuring the work of over 100 composers, interpreted by a who’s who of Canadian performing talent. From humble beginnings and against considerable odds, this proudly Canadian independent label has gone on to achieve critical acclaim at home and abroad and is now distributed internationally – with total sales of over 80,000 recordings.

“These are well-produced, well-performed albums, digitally recorded, properly annotated and in most cases offering the only available version of the music at hand. Let us celebrate the initiative of a label such as Centrediscs.” William Littler, Toronto Star

Centrediscs celebrated its 25th Anniversary at Chalmers House (CMC’s National Office in Toronto) on November 25, 2006 with an event for those involved with the label over its 25 year history including composers, performers, donors and staff – past and present.

(photo of W. Beauvais, C. Petrowska Quilico,
J. Behrens and P. Nimmons by Andrea Ayotte)

The evening featured performances by William Beauvais (guitar), Christina Petrowska Quilico (piano), Robert Cram (flute), Phil Nimmons (clarinet) and Jack Behrens (piano) - all artists who have appeared on Centrediscs recordings.

More information on Centrediscs releases can be found at